Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

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Locations are updated based on time events. The scheduled reporting intervals are as follows:

  • Whenever the ignition status changes, such as when the engine is on or off
  • Drive in a straight line every three kilometers
  • In any direction, whenever the deviation is ten degrees or more
  • Excessive idling detected
  • When the maximum set speed limit is exceeded, it is highlighted
  • Change of 5 km/h or more above the speed limit
  • When an alarm is triggered for events such as sudden acceleration/braking or turning
When the vehicle is out of GPRS/GSM coverage, up to 5,000 locations and events can be stored in the device, and data transmission will resume once communication with GPRS/GSM is reestablished.
Fuel reporting accuracy is as high as 95%. We need information about the vehicle's fuel tank capacity, so your driver must use up the existing fuel in the tank and then refill it, in three separate steps. The system will know the higher and lower values of the vehicle's fuel capacity, which will allow us to provide you with more accurate fuel reports. The calibration process takes approximately three weeks.
The driver's ID tag reader will be placed on the dashboard and linked to our tracking device. We will then provide two ID tags for each vehicle. Each ID tag has an independent number and is assigned to the driver within our system. Before the driver drives the vehicle, he must tag his ID in the reader, which then records the information in the system. If he has no mark, a buzzer sounds as a reminder.

A. Emergency brake – 0.4G
B. Emergency Turn – 0.34G
C. Emergency acceleration – 0.4G

  • Red traffic lights indicate bad driving habits
  • Yellow traffic lights indicate acceptable driving habits that require caution
  • Green traffic lights indicate good driving habits
No – although the values will be close, over time there will be less than a 5% difference
Customers can provide us with actual mileage each year and we will update the unit remotely
There is a way, but it can only be done if the vehicle is equipped with a CAN (Control Area Network) bus that supports reading the odometer.
have. The battery will last quite a while since the unit will be in sleep mode and transmitting data for signal check only every 2 to 4 hours. Whenever the vehicle is towed, we must activate the backup battery. The activation mode will last 4 to 5 hours.
The location accuracy is very high, and vehicles within a radius of about 3 meters can be tracked at any time. The GPS system measures speed and distance.