The Board takes proactive measures to ensure that the Company is fully compliant with the King's Code and recommendations deemed necessary by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). In the opinion of the Board, the Issuer complies in all material respects with such recommendations. The Board of Directors will continuously review and evaluate the Group's best governance practices to ensure integration and consolidation. A comprehensive report analyzing the steps the company has taken to comply with the King's Code can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
…The Board will continuously review and evaluate the Group’s best governance practices to ensure integration and consolidation…
Promotion of Information Disclosure Act (“PAIA”) Compliance ManualThe purpose of this manual is to facilitate access to Cartrack information in accordance with PAIA regulations. You can download the full brochure, which contains the procedure for requesting access to information, as well as the required forms and associated fees. Download PDF
Company contact details
Designated Information Officer: Anname de Villiers
email address:
Mailing address: PO Box 4709, Rivonia, 2128
Telephone number: (+27 11) 250 3000
Fax number: (+27 11) 250 3001
Relevant amounts are payable to: Cartrack Holdings Limited
Internal Control System
In order to achieve the Company's responsibilities in fulfilling its governance responsibilities and providing reliable financial and operational information, the Company will maintain internal control and risk management systems. Control measures are designed to address financial, operational, compliance and sustainable development issues and provide reasonable assurance that transactions comply with authorizations and are properly processed and recorded; assets are fully protected from significant losses and unauthorized access and use. or disposal; policies and procedures are implemented.
These systems include documented organizational structure and division of responsibilities, clear accountability, established policies and procedures throughout the group, including the careful selection, training and development of talents. The Company does not have an independent internal audit function.
The Company monitors the operation of its internal control systems to determine whether deficiencies exist and takes corrective actions to address control deficiencies when deficiencies are discovered. The Board, through the Audit and Risk Committee, is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management systems.
There are inherent limitations to the effectiveness of any internal control system, including the possibility of human error, circumvention or override of controls. Therefore, an effective internal control system can only provide reasonable assurance.

Terms of Reference, Policies
Terms & Conditions – PDF
Board of Directors – PDF
Audit & Risk Committee – PDF
Remuneration & Nominations Committee – PDF
Social and Ethics Committee – PDF
King Code Application – PDF
Whistleblowing Policy – PDF
Cartrack Code of Ethics & Gifts Register – PDF
Cartrack Media & Public Relations Policy – PDF